Hyaluronic acid supplementsBest Hyaluronic Acid with Chondroitin Sulfate contains patented BioCell Collagen II (US patents 6,025,327; 6,323,319; & 6,780,841). BioCell Collagen II is sourced from chicken sternal cartilage and provides highly bioavailable, low molecular weight glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). It is standardized to contain 20% Chondroitin Sulfate, 10% Hyaluronic Acid and 60% Collagen Type II. BioCell Collagen II is hydrolyzed and denatured to low molecular weight compounds that increase the bioavailability and absorption of its components. Undenatured products have a lower absorption rate due to their larger molecule size. Hyaluronic Acid and Collagen are vital structural components of skin that decline as we age, and are responsible for the skin’s moisture, suppleness and elasticity. BioCell Collagen II contains key components that can enhance support to healthy skin and joint function. For more information Visit Getnutri.com | |
Greens Protein bodybuildingOL's Greens Protein 8 in 1 - Greens Protein 8 in 1 is a great tasting, nutrient-rich, complete, whole food drink mix that contains a blend of eight products in one! Benefits of Greens Protein 8 in 1: Balances blood sugar levels. Improves defense mechanism of the body. Helps neutralize excess acidity. Naturally and gently support to detoxify our system. Improves digestive function and increases regularity. Provides excellent antioxidant protection against free radicals. Increases energy levels naturally without the use of stimulants. Provides a wide variety of nutrients to support cellular metabolism. Increases mental acuity by providing nutrients essential for brain function. Establishes a proper pH in the intestines leading to a healthy colon environment. For more information Visit Getnutri.com | |
Best nitric oxide L-CitrullineCitrulline is a non-essential amino acid that is an important intermediate in the urea cycle, functioning along with Arginine and Ornithine to rid the body of ammonia, a byproduct of protein metabolism. Because Citrulline is a precursor of Arginine, it provides a readily available source material for Arginine production, which in turn, can be used for the production of Nitric Oxide (NO). NO plays a fundamental role in vascular function and blood flow. Citrulline therefore, not only supports detoxification pathways, but also supports NO production and a healthy cardiovascular system. For more information Visit Getnutri.com | |
Nitric oxide supplementL-Citrulline is a natural amino acid that supports sports performance and good health, while at the same time enhancing liver detoxification. L-Citrulline enhances the body to rid itself of ammonia, a by-product of intense exercise. This clearing enables the body to recover after a workout, and it frees ATP energy for enhanced uses such as respiration and signal transduction. For more information Visit Getnutri.com | |
Sytrinol cholesterol controlThe Solaray Sytrinol Success formula is intended to provide nutritive support for a healthy cardiovascular system. Backed by more than a decade of research, the Sytrinol blend offers the perfect addition to a healthy lifestyle including daily exercise and a healthy diet. Foods containing at least 400 mg per serving of plant sterols, eaten twice a day with meals for a daily total intake of at least 800 mg as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease. A serving of Sytrinol Success supplies 400 mg of plant sterols. For more information Visit Getnutri.com | |
Graviola treatmentsSome of the active ingredients documented, researched, and verified in graviola are a group of Annonaceous acetogenins which are only found in the Annonaceae plant family. Graviola (Annona muricata) has 82 different acetogenin chemicals (in 10 distinct types). Mountain graviola (Annona montana) contains the main annonacin chemical that graviola does, and, it has 26 more acetogenin chemicals not found in graviola (in 6 distinct types)! Graviola Max combines both species of graviola (Annona muricata and Annona montana) to provide 12 different types of acetogenins—108 distinct powerful chemicals in all. For more information Visit Getnutri.com | |
Biotin vitamin supplementBluebonnet’s Biotin 1000 mcg Vcaps provide pure crystalline biotin in easy-to-swallow vegetable capsules for maximum assimilation and absorption. For more information Visit Getnutri.com | |
Resveratrol and red wineSource Naturals RESVERATROL 100 contains 100 mg of pure resveratrol, which has recently been shown to support healthy metabolism and aging. RESVERATROL 100 also supports the cardiovascular and defense mechanism of body by providing antioxidant protection that is needed for healthy blood flow, healthy capillaries, and cholesterol wellness. For more information Visit Getnutri.com | |
Alacer supplementACIA (pronounced ah-sigh-EE)is a dark purple berry from deep in the jungle of brazil. natives there have long prized its health and energy boosting properties. sound fimililar? if the whole native thing isnt enough for you to go on studies suggest the acai barry pack a mean antioxident punch (10 x the antooxident power of red grapes). so naturlly we thought it would make a grate new emergen-c flover. delivering a potent 100mg in vitamine C 32 active minerals complexes and and bunch of energy-boosting B vitamins. And Acai Berry, wouldn't you know it, testes mighty good. For more information Visit Getnutri.com | |
L ArginineL-Arginine is a crystalline, free-form amino acid. It is an important factor in muscle metabolism and works to transport, store, and excrete nitrogen. It is a precursor for nitric oxide, which promotes increased circulation by relaxing blood vessels. It is also a precursor of guanidophosphate, phosphoarginine, and creatine, the high-energy compounds found in muscles. For more information Visit Getnutri.com | |
PhosphatidylcholinePhosphatidyl Choline is a naturally-occurring mollecule that is composed of choline, phosphoric acid, and hydrocarbons. It is one of several phosphorus-containing lipids that form the structural elements of all cell membranes in the body. For more information Visit Getnutri.com | |
PregnenolonePregnenolone is the starting point from which all steroid hormones are manufactured in our bodies. Its conversion in the body follows different pathways, depending on individual needs. Several clinical studies have demonstrated that pregnenolone may enhance psychomotor performance and decrease fatigue in healthy subjects. Pregnenolone, Buy Pregnenolone by Source Naturals 50 mg on Huge Saving 49% . For more information Visit Getnutri.com | |
Ultra Multiple herbsIn addition to providing significant potencies of essential vitamins and minerals, Ultra Multiple supplies a broad range of amino acids, green foods, enzymes, and balancing and energizing herbs. For more information Visit Getnutri.com | |
Yaeyama chlorellaYaeyama Chlorella is 100% fresh-water chlorella, grown on the coral reef island of Ishigaki, Japan. Chlorella may enhance health naturally by supporting the Defense mechanism of body and promoting energy, vitality, and natural cleansing. Yaeyama Chlorella is rich in chlorella growth factor (CGF), vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, beta-carotene, and other phytonutrients. It is spray dried using a special process that breaks the cell wall, yet preserves the nutrients within, ensuring a highly digestible and nutrient-rich product. Source Naturals Yaeyama Chlorella contains absolutely no added binders, fillers, or flow agents. For more information Visit Getnutri.com | |
Borage Super supplementPlanetary Herbals Borage Super GLA 300 is a specially prepared oil concentrate expressed from the seeds of the borage plant (Borago officinalis), using a specialized, solvent-free, cold-pressed extraction technique. Borage seeds are a rich source of essential fatty acids, including gamma linolenic acid (GLA), which are essential for human health. These fatty acids are necessary for maintaining the fluidity and flexibility of every cell membrane, and are integral in supporting the body's normal production of prostaglandins. Borage Super GLA 300 provides 300 mg of GLA per serving. For more information Visit Getnutri.com | |
Jarro-DophilusProbiotic bacteria in Jarro-Dophilus + FOS are selected from the two genera, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria. Jarro-Dophilus + FOS survives stomach acid and colonizes the intestines. Bidobacteria longum BB536 (morinaga strain) has been shown to colonize, stimulate immune response and suppress intestinal putrefactive bacteria. Lactobacillus rhamnosus R0011 is a unique, high producer of polysaccharides that facilitate colonization and stimulate intestinal immune response. Lactobacillus acidophilus R0052 assists in breaking down lactose (milk sugar) which may improve digestion of dairy products by those individuals who are lactose intolerant. FOS are natural carbohydrates that can stimulate the growth and replication of beneficial bacteria. At time of manufacture, each capsule contains approximately 3.4 billion probiotic organisms in the following percentages and amounts: FOS (FructoOligoSaccharides) 210 mg L. rhamnosus R0011 20% 680 Million L. casei R0256/R0215 20% 680 Million L. plantarum R0202/R1012 10% 340 Million L. acidophilus R0052 20% 680 Million B. longum BB536 (Morinaga) 20% 680 Million B. breve R0070 10% 340 Million TOTAL 100% 3.4 Billion. For more information Visit Getnutri.com | |
VinpocetineVinpocetine is derived from Tabersonine, the alkaloid extract of Voacanga seeds. Vinpocetine supports brain metabolism by increasing cerebral synthesis of ATP, the universal currency of energy. Vinpocetine enhances brain metabolism by improving utilization of oxygen. Vinpocetine also increases the synthesis of several neurotransmitters that affect critical brain functions such as memory recall, focus and mood.For more information Visit Getnutri.com | |
Aangamik DMGA dietary supplement to support Defense mechanism of body, circulatory, cardiovascular, and neurological functions; muscle recovery and endurance. Dimethylglycine (DMG) is a nutrient which is found in the cells of both plants and animals. The human body produces DMG in very small amounts. Supplementing the diet with higher levels of DMG greatly improves the nutritional environment of the cell. Dimethylglycine has been found effective in supporting Defense mechanism of body function and better utilization of oxygen at the cellular level. FoodScience of Vermont has been issued three U.S. Patents for N,NDimethylglycine’s value and use in improving immunity and for benefiting cellular processes. DMG reduces lactic acid build up in the muscle thereby shortening recovery time after strenuous exercise and improving endurance. Available in 125 mg sublingual, 250 mg or 500 mg chewable tablets and a 300 mg per ml liquid formula. For more information Visit Getnutri.com | |
Herb teaOne of nature's oldest legumes, Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) is known to be cultivated for over 2000 years. However, unlike most legumes, where only the seed is consumed, the entire Alfalfa plant (leaves, sprouts and seeds) is eaten by man. The Arabs, centuries ago, used Alfalfa as feed for their horses and claimed they became swift and strong. When they tried the herb themselves, they became so convinced of its benefits to their health and strength that they named the grass Al-Fal-Falah , meaning Father of All Foods . The Spanish later changed the name to Alfalfa. The roots of the Alfalfa plant burrow deep into the earth to reach minerals that are inaccessible to other plants. Alfalfa naturally contains a variety of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. For more information Visit Getnutri.com | |
Arnica Gel productBoiron Arnica Gel is used for relief of muscle aches and stiffness, due to minor injuries, overexertion, falls, and blows. Reduces discomfort, swelling, and discoloration from bruises. For more information Visit Getnutri.com | |
Cranberry TeaKnown for their tangy, refreshing taste, Cranberries (vaccinium oxycoccos) were supposedly part of the first Thanksgiving in 1621, but did not become a national tradition until after the Civil War. A small evergreen shrub, which grows in mountain forests and damp bogs from Alaska to Tennessee, the Cranberry bush produces pink or purple flowers in spring and bright red berries in the fall. High in Vitamin C, Cranberries were a favorite among early sailors for Beneficial Effectsing scurvy. Cranberries make flavorful jams and preserves and are used in a variety of beverages. It was 19th century German chemists who researched and defined many of Cranberry's valuable health benefits. Natural Herb Teas that are Good for You and the Environment. For more information Visit Getnutri.com | |
DeTox Tea Yogi TeasDeTox uses detoxifying herbs known traditionally as "blood cleansers." Both Organic Burdock (Arctium lappa) and Organic Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) work together in this tea to facilitate the elimination of toxins. As pollutants find their way from air, food and water into the tissues of our bodies, they tend to take a heavy toll and can interfere with the normal functions of the organ systems. As a result, we are often left feeling swollen, tired, heavy or even "backed up," and as though we could use some rebalancing. DeTox is a gentle way of combating this condition as it helps the body to clean itself out by aiding the two primary filtering mechanisms, the liver and the kidneys. We have included Jamaican Sarsaparilla in this formula, which is known for both its delicious taste and its purifying properties. Organic Juniper Berry supports kidney function, while the most famous Ayurvedic cleansing blend, called "trikatu" (Organic Ginger, Organic Black Pepper and Long Pepper), is a mild warming formula, suitable for everyone. Because it has no harsh laxatives or increased urinations, DeTox is mild enough to be used every day for up to 30 days. For more information Visit Getnutri.com | |
Barley grass powder nutritionDark green leafy vegetables provide your cells with the food they need. When your cells are properly fed, your whole being feels increased energy and radiant health. But how can you get the 5 SERVINGS of leafy green vegetables YOU NEED EVERY DAY without a whole new diet? Pines Barley Grass is the answer (for those who prefer its taste over that of wheat grass). It’s a whole food loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, beta-carotene, calcium, chlorophyll, fiber and many more nutrients your body needs every day. Convenient and concentrated! No fat! No cholesterol. For more information Visit Getnutri.com | |
Herbatint NaturalHERBATINT Hair Colour provides permanent colour in only one application, which can only be removed by growing the colour out. Our product uses a natural herbal base with no ammonia. Utilizing the many beneficial properties obtained from the herbal extracts and proteins, HERBATINT Cair Colour gently colours and protects the sensitive structure of the hair giving it a deep natural gloss and brilliance. Hair colour can also be lighten by approximately one shade using HERBATINT Hair Colour.Click here to view Herbatint Color Chart HERBATINT Hair Colour can be used even if a chemical dye has been used to colour the hair. If hair has been permed, please bear in mind that it is more porous than usual, so select one shade lighter than usual for best results. The package contains: 1 Herbatint haircolor gel (2 FL Oz), 1 Glycol Developer (2 FL Oz). 1 Sample of either Royal Cream or shampoo 1/3 FL Oz, 1 pair of gloves, 1 instruction leaflet. For more information Visit Getnutri.com | |
klamath blue green algae powderWhole Food Premium Aphanizomenon Flos Aquae (Klamath Blue Green Algae), 3% Plant Source Enzymes (Protease, Cellulase, Amylase, and Lipase), to aid in digestion. For more information Visit Getnutri.com |
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Health Care Blog
Saturday, March 13, 2010
House of Supplements
| PhytoEstrogen Plus EFAsSolaray Guaranteed Potency Herbs deliver confidence by providing exacting and consistent dosing of thoroughly tested herbs of the highest quality available. For more information Visit Getnutri.com
| Beta GlucanBeta Glucan is an insoluble fiber that has been isolated from the cell wall of baker's yeast. Solaray Beta Glucan is a quality, polybranched material that consists of beta 1,3 and 1,6 linkages. For more information Visit Getnutri.com
| Nattokinase VitaminsNattokinase is an enzyme extracted from natto cheese, a dietary staple in Japan and believed to be the reason behind the country’s record low rate of heart problem. For those seeking a pure, potent source of nattokinase without having to travel to Asia, look no further! Nattokinase 1500 from Wobenzym USA provides a whopping 1500 fibrin units (FU) of nattokinase per serving.Unlike other similar products, Nattokinase 1500 is an enterically coated tablet. For more information Visit Getnutri.com
| LipoPhos ForteLipoPhos Forte is a blend of highly refined essential phospholipids (EPL), natural substances that form the outer membranes of living cells. These naturally occurring lipids include phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylethanolamine, as well as linoleic and linolenic fatty acids, and are encapsulated in nanometer-size liposomes for complete intestinal absorption. For more information Visit Getnutri.com
| Calcium Magnesium CitrateBluebonnet’s Liquid Calcium Magnesium Citrate Plus Vitamin D3 provides 1200 mg of calcium and 600 mg of magnesium in a 2:1 ratio, plus 800 IU of vitamin D3 from lanolin in one delicious, naturally flavored liquid formula. Available in six tasty natural flavors including blueberry, strawberry, lemon, orange, raspberry and mixed berry. For more information Visit Getnutri.com
| Live Young Oral HGHLiveYoung Oral HGH Is Clinically Proven To: Dramatically Alleviate Common Signs of Aging! Increase Energy! Reduce Body Fat! Increase Lean Muscle Mass! Your customers can look and feel younger than ever before with this new, revolutionary anti-aging factor! TriMedica’s LiveYoung Oral Human Growth Hormone has been clinically proven in double-blind, placebo-controlled trials to reverse common signs of aging! TriMedica’s LiveYoung Oral HGH is a revolutionary new class of medicines that combine today’s most advanced molecular biotechnology. For more information Visit Getnutri.com
| 5-HTP Doctor's Best5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) is a naturally-occurring metabolite of the essential amino acid tryptophan. 5-HTP for use in dietary supplements is derived from the seeds of the Griffonia simplicifolia plant. For more information Visit Getnutri.com
| Red Yeast Rice supplementRed Yeast Rice supplement Each batch of Doctor's Best Red Yeast Rice produced is tested to ensure that citrinin, an undesirable contaminant, is not present. For more information Visit Getnutri.com
| Nattokinase ProductNattokinase Product ,Nattokinase is an enzyme derived from "natto", a traditional fermented soy food popular in Japan. During the natto production process B. subtilis natto, a friendly bacteria, ferments boiled, non-GMO soybeans, releasing nattokinase. Best Nattokinase contains pure nattokinase enzyme with all Vitamin K removed. For more information Visit Getnutri.com
| AHCC Source NaturalsAHCC Source Naturals, AHCC without Bioperine - AHCC (Active Hexose Correlated Compound) is a proprietary compound produced by cultivation and enzymatic modification of several species of mushroom mycelia, including shiitake, grown in rice bran extract. AHCC (Active Hexose Correlated Compound) may also increase macrophage activity, enhance cytokine production, and support the healthy functioning of the liver as well as act as an antioxidant. For more information Visit Getnutri.com
| Spirulina Powder Now FoodsSpirulina Powder Now Foods ,Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) rests atop the green superfood pantheon. This blue-green vegetable plankton has been a source of nutrition for humans since the Aztecs harvested it centuries ago. Spirulina very well may have been the first photosynthetic life form created, and it still contains the rich nutrient content that supports the diversity of life we have on Earth today. For more information Visit Getnutri.com
| Dmg liquidDmg liquid The human body produces DMG in very small amounts. Supplementing the diet with higher levels of DMG greatly improves the nutritional environment of the cell. FoodScience of Vermont has been issued three U.S. Patents for N,NDimethylglycine’s value and use in improving immunity and for benefiting cellular processes. DMG reduces lactic acid build up in the muscle thereby shortening recovery time after strenuous exercise and improving endurance. Available in 125 mg sublingual, 250 mg or 500 mg chewable tablets and a 300 mg per ml liquid formula. For more information Visit Getnutri.com
| women's vitaminswomen's vitamins Provides complete, targeted nutrition for women, featuring a complete spectrum of essential vitamins and minerals for daily nutritional support, including key bone-supporting nutrients, with foods and herbs that Enhance balance and protect the female system, such as dong quai, red clover and soy isoflavones. For more information Visit Getnutri.com
| Squalene oil for the skinSqualene oil for the skin ,Squalane is not new to your skin, for a small amount is produced by our body. However, most people do not synthesize enough of this vital oil which can lead to rough, dry aging skin. Because Squalane oil is so fine it is absorbed deep into the skin-leaving no oily film-with amazing quickness. This smooth, deep penetration assists in the acceleration of new cell growth. It also Enhances to discourage the growth of bacteria that can block normal cell development. . For more information Visit Getnutri.com
| Ahcc immune system supportNatural Immune Suppressing Herb. AHCC Immune support or Active Hexose Correlated Compound is a natural immune suppressing herb made from medicinal mushrooms. Medicinal mushrooms and their natural immune boosters have been reported in the scientific literature to have a variety of biological effects including immunomodulation, positive effects on abnormal cell growth and other AHCC benefits include the influence on blood sugar regulation, serum lipids and blood pressure. For more information Visit Getnutri.com
| D-Mannose Now FoodsD-Mannose is a simple sugar that occurs naturally in some plants, including cranberries. Although small amounts of D-Mannose are metabolized by the human body, much of it is rapidly excreted in the urine. In the bladder, D-Mannose can adhere to bacterial lectins, preventing them from sticking to the lining of the bladder. Bacteria can then be flushed away during urination, thereby precluding the formation of colonies within the urinary tract. Because insubstantial amounts of D-Mannose are used by the body, it does not interfere with blood sugar regulation. For more information Visit Getnutri.com
| Spirulina Powder ProductSpirulina contains the highest protein and beta-carotene levels of all green superfoods, and is also a rich source of GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid), a popular fatty acid with numerous health benefits. In addition, it is the highest known vegetable source of B-12 and provides optimum levels of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, cell salts, amino acids and enzymes. For more information Visit Getnutri.com
| 5-Htp Inositol5-HTP, the intermediate metabolite between the amino acid L-tryptophan and serotonin, is extracted from the bean of an African plant (Griffonia simplicifolia). For more information Visit Getnutri.com
| Natures Way ResveratrolResveratrol Formula is a comprehensive blend of antioxidants. Resveratrol is found in red wine and protects cells against lipid peroxidation and free radicals. Japanese knotweed is a potent source of Resveratrol and has traditionally been used for the heart, liver and blood vessels. For more information Visit Getnutri.com
| Ahcc supplementAHCC without Bioperine 750 mg - AHCC (Active Hexose Correlated Compound) is a proprietary compound produced by cultivation and enzymatic modification of several species of mushroom mycelia, including shiitake, grown in rice bran extract. Considered a superfood supplement in Japan, AHCC (Active Hexose Correlated Compound) has been researched extensively for its immune-enhancement properties. According to human and animal research, AHCC may significantly increase Natural Killer (NK) Cell activity. AHCC (Active Hexose Correlated Compound) may also increase macrophage activity, enhance cytokine production, and support the healthy functioning of the liver as well as act as an antioxidant. For more information Visit Getnutri.com |
| Doctors Best Red Yeast RiceSuitable for vegetarians Science-based nutrition.Dietary supplement. Benefits adult men & women as part of a healthy lifestyle plan.Best Red Yeast Rice contains rice that has been naturally fermented with red yeast (Monascus purpureus) according to traditional methods. Produced domestically, this product is similar to red yeast rice that has been used in culinary applications in Asia since at least 800 A.D It is considered beneficial for adult men and women when taken as part of a lifestyle program that includes regular exercise and a healthy diet. For more information Visit Getnutri.com |
| Doctors Best Red YeastBest Red Yeast Rice by Doctor's Best 1200 mg 60T at getnutri.com Store For more information Visit Getnutri.com |
| Buy CeladrinCeladrin - Celadrin is a unique formulation of esterified (stable) fatty acids that has been shown to reduce certain effects related to pronounced inflammatory processes that can occur in the body. Being a complex molecule consisting of various fatty acids, it is able to penetrate cell membranes, which enhances membrane permeability and cell-to-cell signaling. In doing so, Celadrin may reduce the level of inflammatory components of the defense mechanism of body from binding to cells and thus causing occasional soreness in different parts of the body.Celadrin is a proprietary blend of esterified fatty acids that have been shown to benefit joint function and flexibility. Dietary Supplement Supports Joint Function & Mobility Science-Based Nutrition. For more information Visit Getnutri.com |
| Celadrin GlucosamineCeladrin Complex with Glucosamine - It provides a combination of Celadrin and sodium-free glucosamine sulfate. Celadrin is a proprietary blend of esterified fatty acids that have been shown to benefit joint function and flexibility. Joint Soothing Formula • Dietary Supplement Celadrin: It is a unique formulation of esterified (stable) fatty acids that has been shown to reduce certain effects related to pronounced inflammatory processes that can occur in the body. Being a complex molecule consisting of various fatty acids, it is able to penetrate cell membranes, which enhances membrane permeability and cell-to-cell signaling. In doing so, Celadrin® may reduce the level of inflammatory components of the Defense mechanism of body from binding to cells and thus causing occasional inflammation in different parts of the body. Glucosamine Sulfate: Glucosamine sulfate is the most completely studied form of glucosamine. For more information Visit Getnutri.com |
| Graviola TinctureGraviola - (leaf) - Annona muricata (Annonaceae) - From small evergreen trees, the thick, shiny leaves are used against diabetes and as a sedative and anti-spasmodic in Peru. Elsewhere in the Amazon jungle, the leaves are used to treat, cleanse and support the liver, treat catarrh, and are considered anthelmintic (destructive to worms), antidiarrheic, beneficial in problems due to narrowing of air passages and problems of the digestive tract. Amazon Therapeutic offers medicinal herbs, high quality extracts, capsules and traditional compound formulations. Amazon Therapeutic are dedicated to serving you by offering herbs and products which have been derived from organically certified farms or wildcrafted under our “Sustainable Harvest” label by using forestry management permits. Each item has been validated through empirical studies and supported by research in clinics and universities around the world. For more information Visit Getnutri.com |
| 5 HTPPromotes Positive Mood Helps Control Appetite Naturally Drug Free Natrol 5-HTP is a drug-free plant-derived source of an amino acid that naturally increases the body’s level of serotonin, the chemical messenger that affects emotions, behavior, appetite, thought and sleep. Regular use of Natrol 5-HTP helps provide a more positive outlook, promotes relaxation, calm and greater appetite control. For more information Visit Getnutri.com |
| Red Yeast RiceRed Yeast Rice & Policosanol by Lifetime Vitamins 60 Vcaps at getnutri.com Store. For more information Visit Getnutri.com |
| Advance Joint SupportWell-designed medical research projects have been conducted by major universities, such as studies that provide substantial clinical proof that Type II Collagen may offer tremendous benefits to the millions of Americans suffering from debilitating joint problems.Better yet, scientists are finding that when Collagen II is combined with specific minerals, fatty acids, vitamins, enzymes, and herbs, a powerful synergy occurs that can stop redness, swelling, and joint destruction. Even more, stiffness virtually disappears, allowing your connective tissues and vital supporting structure to heal and rebuild your joints.Affecting one out of seven people, over 100 different types of bone/joint problems are lumped together under the term "arthritis." Unfortunately, current approaches are inadequate because they have unacceptable side effects. Anti-inflammatory agents (such as aspirin, naproxen, ibuprofen, and steroids) tear up your digestive, nervous, and defense mechanism of body while offering minimal, transient relief from bone/joint agony.Research projects on Type II Collagen, which is derived from the breastbone of six-to-eight week-old chickens, are exploding onto the scientific scene. Type II Collagen first gained recognition from the prestigious Harvard University School of a substance used in managing discomfort, but now many elite universities are broadening our understanding of exactly how this substance produces its phenomenal results. Joint cartilage, tendons, and bones contain Type II Collagen as their most abundant structural protein. Although it has been known for years that Type II Collagen contains the most important compounds for connective tissue repair and production of new cartilage, little attention was focused on its life-enhancing potential until recently.In fact, Brandeis University researchers teamed up with Boston University to conduct a groundbreaking study of primates that were artificially induced with arthritis. The monkeys given Type II Collagen injections did not experience joint problems, whereas all the others developed deformities and joint problems (Cathcart 1986). For more information Visit Getnutri.com |
| UltraMAX Gold AlphatrophinUltraMAX Gold With Alphatrophin by Ageless Foundation 22 Pkt at getnutri.com Store. For more information Visit Getnutri.com |
| Promensil Post MenopauseFor more information Visit Getnutri.com |
| LubriFlexLubriflex has three ingredients to work three ways for powerful and strong, deep-down joint comfort. Lubriflex works within one week to improve joint comfort and promote flexibility. Lubriflex contains Uniflex, a new, proprietary, patent-pending antioxidant. Uniflex contains the bioflavonoids catechin, baicalein, wogonin and others in a synergistic ratio. Uniflex is a powerful antioxidant that enhances protection and preservation of cartilage and synovial (joint) fluid from the damaging attack of free radicals. These powerful antioxidants provide deep-down joint comfort. A human clinical study of Uniflex found that 80% said their joints felt better and worked better, 80% said they could function better, and up to 86% said they felt more flexible. Joint Fluid is Hyaluronic Acid (HA). Lubriflex3 contains purified, high-molecular weight HA. Synovial (joint) fluid is made up of molecules of HA that enable cartilage to glide easily and quietly over other parts of the joint. HA gives lubricating properties to synovial (joint) fluid. HA also acts as a signaling mechanism in joint fluid to maintain healthy joints. HA was shown to be absorbed and taken up into joints after oral administration by research sponsored by Schiff. For more information Visit Getnutri.com |
| TaurineTaurine is a conditionally essential amino acid which is not utilized in protein synthesis, but is mainly found free in most tissues, especially throughout the nervous system. Taurine has been found to be important in the formation of bile salts, cell membrane stabilization, and eye health. Taurine is well known for its role in the modulation of neurotransmitter activity and its relaxing effect on the mood. For more information Visit Getnutri.com |
| Biotin ProductBiotin is a water-soluble vitamin necessary for normal growth and body function. Biotin is a key regulatory element in gluconeogenesis, fatty acid synthesis, and in the metabolism of some amino acids. Alongside its role in energy production, Biotin enhances the synthesis of certain proteins. In addition, Biotin promotes normal immunity and plays a critical role in skin health. For more information Visit Getnutri.com |
| L-ArginineL-Arginine is a crystalline, free-form amino acid. It is an important factor in muscle metabolism and works to transport, store, and excrete nitrogen. It is a precursor for nitric oxide, which promotes increased circulation by relaxing blood vessels. It is also a precursor of guanidophosphate, phosphoarginine, and creatine, the high-energy compounds found in muscles. For more information Visit Getnutri.com |
| Now Foods GraviolaGraviola (Annona muricata) - Graviola tree (Annona muricata), also known as soursop, is found in the Amazon jungle and some of the Caribbean islands. Graviola tree leaves have been used traditionally for their various therapeutic properties. More recent scientific studies suggest that Acetogenins, the active constituents of Graviola, can support healthy cell growth and function. In addition, Graviola has been used for its whole body calming effects and as a supplement to maintain a positive mood. For more information Visit Getnutri.com |